Iron Bull Workout Equipment by Apollo


A collage of photos from a recent photo shoot with Iron Bull Fitness Equipment. They have a huge variety of gear including kettlebells, dumbells, barbells, weight plates, Indian pins, Plyoboxes and weight clamps. These images were photographed on location as part of David’s objective of being able to set up a studio anywhere, at a location convenient to the client. Just one example of the many product photography jobs David has worked on over the last 23 years.

Are you looking for product photography in in Southern California, Dallas, Fort Worth or Austin Texas?

Glass Art photography

Glass Art Design photography

Glass Wave

Glass Vase photograph

Blown Glass Vase photograph

Whiskey Bottle

Glen Ivy product photography

Boyd Coddington product photography

glass art product

printronix printer product photography

Nekter Juice product photography

juice bottles


Vodka product photography

Plumbing photography

Pedego bicycle photography

Pedego Seat

Beautiful Electric Bikes

Off Road Bicycle photography

Bicycle Spokes photography

Steel Tube photography

Sorority Jewelry photography

Jewelry Collage

Apparel Catalog product

Anastasia product

I Am product


Mia Rosa Wine

Pasolivo Olive Oil

Pasolivo Mustard

Pasolivo Olive spread

Product Photography

iron bull fitness

Product Photography Diversity

Every product has it’s own distinct set of requirements. David’s product photography experience includes such items as steel tubing, shampoo, lotion, spirits, wine, bicycles, cycling components, jewelry, printers, computer chips, plumbing components, and many more items that would take too long to list. His art photography perspective and understanding of lighting create spectacular images and direct attention to your product and its unique features.

Wide Ranging Clients

David’s clients include Pedego Electric Bikes, Felix Kane, Bolger Glass, Boyd Coddington Hot Rods, Glen Ivy Day Spa, Hoshizaki Western, Nekter Juice Bars, and Monica Kline Fine Corporate Gifts, EMJ, Reliance Steel, Hannibal Industries, Printronix to name only a few.

On-Location Photography

David can come to you to photograph your product on site or you can ship it to him. He has a full set of mobile studio lighting and can set up on location to shoot any sized product. He can literally bring the studio to you.

Contact David

phone: 714.272.2284