The following are samples of work David has designed for OC Walk To Remember utilizing a mix of his own photography, some from the founder, and some from stock. OC Walk to Remember is a Forever Footprints event.

Every year for the last few, David has had the honor of laying out the OC Walk To Remember’s Bay Memorial Wall. The wall is approximately 12 feet tall and 30 feet long.

Baby Memorial Wall

Postcard Design

OC Walk To Remember Poster


OC Walk To Remember Social Media Promotion

Below are pieces used to promote the foundation on social media utilizing David’s photography. These were designed by their staff based on artistic photographs David took.

OC Walk Pinterest 2



About the Organization

Forever Footprints and their Walks to Remember were founded to assist parents with coping with the loss of a child through miscarriage, still birth, or shortly after birth. The organization raises funds to help with grief counseling and to help doctors with working with parents who have lost a child.