Earle M Jorgensen Creative

David has been the creative director and designer for Earle M Jorgensen’s (EMJ) annual Calendar; as well as their sales materials from 2000 to 2016 until they brought that function in-house after a merger. His photography has been featured on every calendar which is a 24″x36″ poster, their web site, and all of their sales materials. Here are just a select few pieces he’s designed for them. He was also responsible for creating their branding standards manual, their “Blue Book” of materials standards containing over 25,000 products for print and online, and photographed the cover of their Annual Report.

David’s branding standards manual set up in 2005 is the standard they still use today for their marketing materials and web site.

Sales Materials

EMJ Quality Poster


Product Brochure Cover

Product Brochure Inner Cover

Product Brochure Inner Pages1

Product Brochure Inner Pages2


2008 EMJ Calendar

2010 EMJ Calendar

2011 EMJ Calendar

EMJ Calendar 2012

2016 Earle M Jorgensen Calendar Concept


Web Site

Below are samples of how David’s photography and branding direction was incorporated into the web site.

Earle M Jorgensen

EMJ Metals