Want to look AMAZING in Photographs? You can! It’s not as hard as you think. You can look like a professional model or Hollywood star. Or, just improve […]
Proper Photography Posing
Understanding your camera and how it captures a scene, as well as a comprehensive understanding of light(ing) is imperative to a great photo and distinguishes the pros from […]
Do you hate photos of yourself? (part 5)
We’ve addressed lighting and technology. However, something that everyone should know about having their photo taken and having it look good is that some of the responsibility rests […]
Do you hate photos of yourself? (part 4)
Furthering my discussion from my last post on technology, I would like to discuss the differences between film and digital photography that can cause one to dislike a […]
Do you hate photos of yourself? (part 3)
In this post, I would like to address technology. Technology is better than ever. This, I am convinced, is a double-edged sword. Cameras and lenses are able to […]
Do you hate photos of yourself? (part 2)
Let’s talk more about lighting. There are so many aspects to lighting when it comes to photography that it is difficult to discuss them all. So, there is […]
Do you hate photos of Yourself ? (part 1)
Recently, I have been hearing from clients that they never like photos of themselves. Then, when they see the finished head shot of themselves, they say “I like […]