Want to look AMAZING in Photographs? You can! It’s not as hard as you think. You can look like a professional model or Hollywood star. Or, just improve […]
A Photography Philosophy
I’ve recently added a page to this site regarding my photography philosophy on photography work in the modern age of digital photography. Here’s an excerpt: A Philosophy of […]
Proper Photography Posing
Understanding your camera and how it captures a scene, as well as a comprehensive understanding of light(ing) is imperative to a great photo and distinguishes the pros from […]
Why Hire a Photographer?
Working in this industry, I often hear business owners say “Let’s just get a stock photo”. As a photographer with a branding background, I find this to be […]
Your Avatar and your Brand
With the advent of social media came the profile icon known as the “Avatar”. This word, of course, has deeper origins that I will let you read about […]
The Changing Face of Executive Head Shots
A good friend and client recently asked me to write a post regarding how executive head shots have changed. This is a very timely question to pose. I […]
Do you hate photos of yourself? (part 5)
We’ve addressed lighting and technology. However, something that everyone should know about having their photo taken and having it look good is that some of the responsibility rests […]