David Moyle is an award winning, highly published photographer base in Southern California and Dallas/Fort Worth. He is highly creative with varied history in graphic design, branding, web development, and illustration. This allows him to understand the final needs of his photography in a given project. His clients have included small businesses, global corporations and non profits. more >
David specializes in bringing the studio to your location. David carries a full set of high-quality studio strobe lighting and can set up virtually any size studio based on your space limitations.
July 2015
see | me Exposure Awards
David was honored as one of the photographers published in the SeeMe Exposure Awards book in the Documentary Collection.
March 2015

David was honored as one of the 20 creatives exhibitors in OC Weekly's 2015 "Artopia" show.
October 2013
David was honored with an international nomination for his image titled "Miscarriage" in the B&W Spider Awards in the Fine Art category. A full press release can be viewed here. The image gallery can be seen here.
January 2013
David was awarded a B&W Magazine single image award for "Metaphor/Abstract" for his image titled "Miscarriage", and was published in the February 2013 Single Image Award Special Edition on news stands now. The image can be found on page 217 or you can see it here.
David Moyle is an award winning, highly published photographer base in Southern California and Dallas/Fort Worth. He is highly creative with varied history in graphic design, branding, web development, and illustration. This allows him to understand the final needs of his photography in a given project. His clients have included small businesses, global corporations and non profits. more >
David specializes in bringing the studio to your location. David carries a full set of high-quality studio strobe lighting and can set up virtually any size studio based on your space limitations.
July 2015
see | me Exposure Awards
David was honored as one of the photographers published in the SeeMe Exposure Awards book in the Documentary Collection.
March 2015

David was honored as one of the 20 creatives exhibitors in OC Weekly's 2015 "Artopia" show.
October 2013
David was honored with an international nomination for his image titled "Miscarriage" in the B&W Spider Awards in the Fine Art category. A full press release can be viewed here. The image gallery can be seen here.
January 2013
David was awarded a B&W Magazine single image award for "Metaphor/Abstract" for his image titled "Miscarriage", and was published in the February 2013 Single Image Award Special Edition on news stands now. The image can be found on page 217 or you can see it here.